Caderno de Torres (Inglês)
quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2013
Em palavras formadas por composição, também a análise de suas partes em muito contribuirá para a compreensão de seu significado. A palavra headache, por exemplo, consiste de duas partes: head + ache.
Examinandos essas partes podemos facilmente chegar ao significado da palavra headache:
Dor-de-cabeça. Headmaster, Headline, Headshone. (Diretor (a)), (Manchete), (Fone de
Sufixos em inglês
A- sufixos formadores de substantivos
(er,or,ar,ist,(i) an). Pessoa que estuda, faz ou
está relacionada com:
Ex: work – trabalhar
Worker – trabalhador
A- Pessoa que sofre ou é afetada pela ação
discrita pelo verbo:
Ex: employ – empregar
Employee - empregado
A- O processo de,o resultado de, a ação de,o
resultado da ação de. (ion, ation, ition, mentc,
ance, ence, ure, al, age).
Ex: add – adicionar
Addition – adição
A- Atividade, processo contínuo ou estado.
Ex: read – ler
Reading - leitura
A- Status, domínio, condição. (hood, ship, dom,
Ex: king – rei
Kingdom – reino
A- Quantidade contida em: (ful).
Ex: spoon – colher
spoonful - colherada
A- Forma substantivos femininos. (ess).
Ex: actor – ator
Actress – atriz
A - Forma diminutivos de substantivos. (let,
ette, y).
Ex: dad – pai
Dadly - papaizinho
A- Forma substantivos abstratos de
substantivos. (ness, ity).
Ex: useful – útil
Usefulness – utilidade
B- sufixos formadores de adjetivos. Cheio de
ou que tem. (ful)
Ex: peace – paz
Peaceful - pacífico
B- Sem ou que não tem. (less).
Ex: pain – dor
Painless – indolor
B- Que pode ser. (ible, able).
Ex: access acessar
Accessible - acessível
B - Que tem a qualidade ou aparência de: (y,
Ex: salt – sal
Salty – salgado
B- Que tem a qualidade de: (ive).
Ex: create – criar
Creative - criativo
B- Pessoas, animais ou até objetos que têm a
aparência ou as características de: (like).
Ex: prison – prisão
Prisonlike – parecido com uma prisão
B- Digno de adequado a: (worthy).
Ex: credit – crédito/mérito
Creditworthy - creditável
B- Feito de, tendoa aparência, a qualidade ou a
estado particular de: (em).
Ex: gold – ouro
Golden – dourado
B- Que realiza a ação do verbo correspondente.
Ex: relax – relaxar
Relaxing - relaxante
B- Que causa emoção particular, característica
de: (some).
Ex: worry – preocupar
Worrysome – preocupante
C- Sufixos formadores de verbo. (ify).
Ex: simple – simples
Simplify - simplificar
C- Sufixos formadores de verbo. (ize, ise).
Ex: Symbol – símbolo
Symbolize – simbolizar
C- Sufixos formadores de verbo. (em).
Ex: deaf – surdo
Deafen - ensurdecer
segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2013
Plural of nouns. (Plural do substantivo)
A – The book is on the table
The books
are the table
Obs: Para forma rem o
plural da maioria das palavras em inglês, acrescentamos a letra “s” ao
B – I usualy
take two buses to go to school (bus – buses)
We drank three glasses
of water (glass – glasses)
used two dishes. The firs to main course and the
second to dessert (dish – dishes)
dresses are more beautiful than the dresses yellow (dress – dresses)
(box – boxes)
(watch – watches)
(buzz – buzzes)
Obs: Aos substantivos terminados
em”s”,”ss”,”sh”,”ch”,”x” e “z”, acrescentamos as letras “es” ao singular.
C – Boys play soccer on the street (Boy)
Stories of
monsters scare children (story)
Obs: Aos substantivos terminados em y; quando
antecedidos por vogal, acrescenta “s”. Quando antecedidos por consoantes,
acrescenta “ies”.
D - Radios are
electronic devices (radio)
we visited the various zoos world in
recent years (zoo)
Fair tomatoes are cheap now (tomato)
Obs: Aos substantivos terminados em “o” ou “oo”;
quando antecedidos por vogal, acrescenta “s”. Quando antecedidos por
consoantes, acrescenta “es”
Staying alive
How are you living?What
are you doing to stay healthy? Are you not eating and sleeping accordingly ?
Are you working and worrying too much?
Aren't you exercising? Even being very useful, these questions are often boring
to answer.
If you are taking care of
your life, Congratulations! But if you are smoking cigaretles, cigars or pipes,
making use of drugs like pot, cocame or crack, drinking alcoholic beverger in
exess, eating too much and sleeping late, my sympathies! You are entering the
roll of people facing actual risky factores.
You chances of a long and
healthy life are not many. At least, these are some of the medical conclusions
all over the world.
1- O que você pode inferir do texto?
a- você deve deitar e levantar cedo.
b- devemos comer com moderação
c- deve-se dormir adequadamente
d- é importante nospreocuparmos com a saúde
e- você não deve ter preocupações excessivas
2- Qual das citações abaixo não se enquadra no texto?
a- O ministerio da saúde adverte fumar pode causar diversos males à
b- diga não as drogas
c- dormir é o melhor remédio
d- mente sã em corpo são
e- previnir é melhor que remediar
3- O texto apresenta:
a- questionamentos e ameaças
b- dicas e deveres
c- indicações e avisos
d- receitas e sugestões
e- criticas e estimulos
4- As frases “my congratulations” e “my sympathies” poderiam ser usadas,
respectivamente, nas seguintes ocasioes.
Natal e noivado
Casamento e batizado
Ano novo e ação de graças
Formatura e dia dos namorados
Aniversario e velorio
Delexical verb
Ex: Sally
decided to give it a try
Try: verbo substantivado
- Singular noun struture
A – Singular
noun used with determiner “a” as the complement of a clause
decision-making is an art
Obs: Qualquer
B – singular
noun used with determiner “the” +
beginning with of prepositional phrase
Cultivate the art of readingObs: resting an art of reading
sábado, 30 de março de 2013
Links muito bons!
Livros da universidade Cambridge (Interchange) jogos, testes e download
Dicionário (Inglês) One Look
Dicionário (Inglês gírias) Urban dictionary
Dicionário (Inglês siglas) Acronym Finder
Dicionário (Inglês sinônimos) The saurus
Dicionário (Inglês origem das palavras etimologia) Etymology dictionary
Dicionário (Inglês britânico) Linguee
Dicionário (Inglês Português) Tradukka
Dicionário (Inglês britânico, corpus) BNC
Dicionário (Português Portugal) Priberam
Mapa conceitual on-line (Para fazer desenhos esquemáticos)
Planejador de aulas em inglês (pago) Quia
Planejador de aulas em inglês (0800) Hot Potatoes
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Planos de aulas Domínio Público
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Planos de Aula Portal do Professor
Planos de Aula Rived
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Planos de Aula (Inglês)
Planos de Aula (Inglês)
Introduction to Noun Phrases
The internal Structure of Noun Phrases
NNP (det) (AP) N(-pl) (PrepP)
The NP can be expanded:
•as a noun with plural inflection: books, children
•as a noun with up to three determiners: all his other money
•as a noun with a preceding adjective phrase: a very blue sky
•as a noun with various combinations of the above options: the famous city of New York
The determiner slot can take up to three words:
All the other my other two the first four
AP= adjective phrase
Det = determiner
NP= noun phrase
PrepP= prepositional phrase
-pl= plural
Noun Phrases function in one of three ways in English: as subjects, as objects, and as predicates.
1- Noun phrases function as objects:
Direct object – Jim read a book.
Indirect object – Sara gave me some flowers.
Objects of prepositions – Sam lives in a big house.
2- NP as predicates
A] Predicate of subjects - when they occur after a copular verb.
Subject noun predicate – Jane is a teacher.
B] Predicate of objects - when an object noun phrase is expanded to include an object noun predicate:
Object noun predicate – We elected Sam treasurer.
The determiner slot consists of three subcategories:
1. predeterminers - (words like all and both)
2. core determiners - (articles like a and the, demonstratives like this and that, and possessives like my and his)
3. postdeterminers - (quantifiers like three and comparative reference terms like other, both of which may occur in either order)
Determiners are modifiers of nouns.
« There are some determiners that occur only with singular count nouns like a, one, another ;
« Many determiners that occur only with plural count nouns: these, those, many, both, two, three, and so on.
« A few determiners occur only with uncountable nouns: much, (a) little;
«Some determiners occur with either plural nouns or uncountable nouns: some, all, no, other.
« The optional prepositional phrase accounts for those prepositional phrases that cannot have a predicate relationship with the head noun (eg. A man of honor, the city of Chicago, two pounds of sugar, etc.)
Noun Phrases function as predicates of subjects when they occur after a copular verb. They function as predicates of objects when an object noun phrase is expanded to include an object noun predicate:
Subject noun predicate – Jan is a teacher.
Object noun predicate – We elected Sam treasurer.
From: Celce-Murcia, M & Larsen-Freeman, D. The Grammar Book. Heinle & Heile Publishers, 1999.
Travelling by train has many advantages. First of all, there are no stressful traffic jams, and trains are fast and comfortable. Also, you can use the time in different ways. For example, you can just sit and read, or watch the world go by. You can work, or you can have a meal or a snack in the buffet car.
Travelling by train also has some disadvantages. It is expensive and the trains are sometimes crowded and delayed. You have to travel at certain times and trains cannot take you door to door. You need a bus or a taxi to take you to the railway station.
I prefer travelling by train to travelling by car. I feel more relaxed when I reach my destination.
NNP (det) (AP) N(-pl) (PrepP)
The NP can be expanded:
•as a noun with plural inflection: books, children
•as a noun with up to three determiners: all his other money
•as a noun with a preceding adjective phrase: a very blue sky
•as a noun with various combinations of the above options: the famous city of New York
The determiner slot can take up to three words:
All the other my other two the first four
AP= adjective phrase
Det = determiner
NP= noun phrase
PrepP= prepositional phrase
-pl= plural
Noun Phrases function in one of three ways in English: as subjects, as objects, and as predicates.
1- Noun phrases function as objects:
Direct object – Jim read a book.
Indirect object – Sara gave me some flowers.
Objects of prepositions – Sam lives in a big house.
2- NP as predicates
A] Predicate of subjects - when they occur after a copular verb.
Subject noun predicate – Jane is a teacher.
B] Predicate of objects - when an object noun phrase is expanded to include an object noun predicate:
Object noun predicate – We elected Sam treasurer.
The determiner slot consists of three subcategories:
1. predeterminers - (words like all and both)
2. core determiners - (articles like a and the, demonstratives like this and that, and possessives like my and his)
3. postdeterminers - (quantifiers like three and comparative reference terms like other, both of which may occur in either order)
Determiners are modifiers of nouns.
« There are some determiners that occur only with singular count nouns like a, one, another ;
« Many determiners that occur only with plural count nouns: these, those, many, both, two, three, and so on.
« A few determiners occur only with uncountable nouns: much, (a) little;
«Some determiners occur with either plural nouns or uncountable nouns: some, all, no, other.
« The optional prepositional phrase accounts for those prepositional phrases that cannot have a predicate relationship with the head noun (eg. A man of honor, the city of Chicago, two pounds of sugar, etc.)
Noun Phrases function as predicates of subjects when they occur after a copular verb. They function as predicates of objects when an object noun phrase is expanded to include an object noun predicate:
Subject noun predicate – Jan is a teacher.
Object noun predicate – We elected Sam treasurer.
From: Celce-Murcia, M & Larsen-Freeman, D. The Grammar Book. Heinle & Heile Publishers, 1999.
Travelling by train
Travelling by train has many advantages. First of all, there are no stressful traffic jams, and trains are fast and comfortable. Also, you can use the time in different ways. For example, you can just sit and read, or watch the world go by. You can work, or you can have a meal or a snack in the buffet car.
Travelling by train also has some disadvantages. It is expensive and the trains are sometimes crowded and delayed. You have to travel at certain times and trains cannot take you door to door. You need a bus or a taxi to take you to the railway station.
I prefer travelling by train to travelling by car. I feel more relaxed when I reach my destination.
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