quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

Much = Muito (a)

  • Use
Antes de substantivos incontáveis (substantivos que não podemser contados um a um e não têm plural, como: Coffe, tea, time excitement, information, news, furniture, love, gold, bread, etc)
  • Form:
Much + of + the + object Pronoun
  • Much também é usado antes de adjetivos ou adverbios em sua forma comparativa
  • Emphatic forms:
  1. very much
  2. too much

Many = Muitos (as)

  • Use:
Antes de substantivos contáveis (isto é, substantivos que podem ser contados um a um, que possuem plural, como: Dogs, men, Children, Apples, hours, Shows, etc) no plural.
  • Form:
Many + of + object pronoun
  • synonyms:
  1. A lot of
  2. lost of
  3. plenty of
  4. a great deal of
  5. a good deal of
  • Emphatic forms:
  1. Very Many
  2. Too Many

domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2012

Execícios (Simple Present)

Identify the meanings of the simple present tense:

1.    A: What happened?
B: It was the same old story. She comes in and starts chewing me out about the sale I lost. So,  I don´t like that, right? So, I tell her that I don´t have to take that sort of talk from her. And, you know what? She says I´m right. I don´t, because I don´t work there anymore. I´m fired.
2.   He listens to that program on NPR every Sunday night.
3.   He seems to be perfectly happy.
4.   If water is heated to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, it boils.
5.   He arrives here on Thursday. On Saturday, he flies back to Lima.
6.   I admit I can´t see as well as I used to.
7.   Philip is an excellent linguist. He speaks six languages fluently.
8.   Both ancient and recent records show that farmers work long hours.
9.   Frank collects stamps in his spare time. It´s a hobby.
10.     I refuse to believe that he didn´t know the car was stolen.
11. Trees grow more quickly in summer than in winter.
12.     Each July we go to Turkey for a holiday.
13.     I really enjoy travelling.
14.     She goes up to this man and looks straight into his eyes. She is carrying a bag full of shopping…
15.     The Prince is coming to visit, and I hear he´s very rich.
16.     You hold the can in one hand. Right, you´re holding it in one hand; now you take off the lid with the other.

Sumary Table (Simple Present)

  • Mean (Significados: O que o Simple presente pode dar ideia)
  1. Future time clauses
  2. Instructions
  3. sports commentary - Rapid
  4. Actions
  5. Scientific facts
  6. Reporting verbs: Recent
  7. Past
  8. Newspaper headlines: past events
  9. Permanent situations
  10. jokes
  11. habits/Routines
  12. Ficitional
  13. Plots
  14. Personal
  15. Time table/ Schedule
  16. Present events of short
  17. Duration Public time / Schedule

Simple Present tense

  • Form:
I, You, They Work
He, She, It Works

I, You, They Do not/Don't Work
He, She, It  Does not/Doesn't Work

Do I, You, They Work?
Does He, She, It Work?

  • Mean/Use

I ask questions when I do not understand
Elizabeth uses English as much as possible
Our classes start at 9:00 A.M
Daniela Goes to school five days a week

Obs: Use of the Simple present to talk about everyday routines

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
Brasilians Speak Portuguese
Waer boils at 100º C

Obs: General timeless truths, such as psysical laws ou customs

I have a meeting next Wednesday at that time
The game starts at 2:30
The bus leaves at 8:00 P.M

Obs: Expresses future when a scheduled event is involved, usually with a future-time adverbial

Here comes the pitch: vaughn swings and misses.
Now I add three eggs to the mixture
Esiason lets fly and... Emory has the ball. He shakes one... Two tackles, and... he's in for a touchdown!

Obs: Instantaneous present usually in sporting events or demonstrations/procedures of some sort

So I was standing there buying some grocereis, right? And all of a sudden this guy coes in the door. He pulls out this gun, see. It's on of those like Sawed-off shotauns and he noints it at the cashier, and tells him to hand over all the money . so, of couse, everybody

Obs: Conversational historical present

Mary tells me you have been to china. How fascinating!
I say that you are wrong
We accept you offer
I give you my word

Obs: With communication verbs

The story opens in 1989 on all Souls' day, the day of the dead, when people carry flowers to the cemeteries, Like grass (the author), the hero, Alexander Reshcki, is an exile from Gdansk living in west Germany. A widower in his sixties, he is professor of art history ate the University of Bochum. The polish widow Alexandra is a restorer and gilder by profession. She is not quite sixty when Alexander meets her in the market.

Obs: Narrative present

quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2012

Preposition of place


Some: Significa alguém, alguns,alguma, algumas.

É usado geralmente em frases afirmativas pode ser usado em frases interrogativas quando se trata de oferecimento ou pedido.
Ex: I have some documentes here.
      May I drink some water?

Any: Em frases negativas significa nenhum, nenhuma. Em frases interrogativas significa Algum, alguns, Alguma,algumas. Em frases afirmativas significa qualquer.
Ex: I don't have any money.
     Do you have any money?
     Any student can go home.

No: significa nenhum, nenhuma. O verbo deve estar na forma afirmativa.
Ex: I have no money.

quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2012

Partículas do inglês (Noun)

  • Diet Coke: Dieta à base de coca-cola ou Coca-cola Dietética?
Diet Coke, assim como: Piano Bar, Dream Team, City Tour, Mountain Bike... são combinações de dois substantivos (Nouns).

Esta particularidade do inglês poderá trazer algumas dificuldades de compreensão. Lembre-se que, em inglês, quando um substantivo é seguido de outro substantivo, o segundo é o mais importante; o primeiro apenas o modifica.

  • Piano Bar = Bar com piano
  • Dream Team = Time dos sonhos
  • City Tour = Passeio pela cidade
  • Mountain Bike = Bicicleta para a montanha


Palavras de outras línguas que foram incorporadas ao nosso vocabulário cotidiano.

Ex: Mouse, CD, Jeans, DJ...

Cognatos: São palavras que são parecidas com as da língua portuguesa. O que facilita a compreensão.  São também chamadas de Palavras Transparentes.

Ex: Cognatos formação epistemológica 

Falsos Cognatos: São palavras que parecem com palavras da língua portuguesa, porém, tem um significado totalmente diferente.

Ex: Falsos Cognatos mais usados

domingo, 11 de novembro de 2012

Estratégia para facilitação de leitura estrangeira.

  • Scanning - Quando você faz uma breve leitura a fim de extrair informações específicas de um texto (Números, datas, endereços, etc...)

  • Skimming - Quando você faz uma breve leitura para ter um ideia geral do texto. Você não esta interessado em conhecer detalhes.

  • Elementos visuais - Você deve estar atento ao uso de figuras, gráficos, subtitulos, dicas tipográficas (negrito, itálico, sublinhado, aspas, parentese, etc...), pois isso pode ajudá-lo a compreender melhor o texto.

  • Palavras transparentes (Cognatos) - São aquelas palavras parecidas com o português (Music, dictionary,intelligent, etc...). Elas são de grande ajuda na leitura e na compreensão do texto.

The 10 rights of the reader.

  • Read
  • Connect
  • Analyze
  • Compare
  • Identify
  • Deduce
  • Demonstrate
  • Understand
  • Explain
  • Memorize
  • Observe
  • Conclude
  • Contextualize
  • Justify
  • Decode
  • Narrate
  • Describe
  • Argue
  • Expose

Quem sou?

Eu sou um caderno Online.
Um cardemo Online com dicas e gramática da língua inglesa.
Eu fui criado pela minha dona para ela estudar e te dar dicas de Inglês Para você que é Brasileiro ou fala língua Portuguesa.
Eu espero seu útil.
Atenciosamente eu, Caderno online.